No more noisy crowds and waiting in line! Your child will get their photo with Santa in a calm and supported environment at their own designated time.

2013 dates to be announced in the fall! We'll introduce a new flat-rate payment system and a medical device grant for families. We can't wait!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

It's not too late!

Our last 2012 event is this Saturday, December 1st!

We still have a few openings in the afternoon. Scroll down to the booking calendar to make your child's appointment.

We will start a waiting list and do our best to accommodate families as we can. If all of our appointments are booked and you'd like to be added to our waiting list, send me an email at

Don't forget to include:
  • your name
  • your cell phone number
  • your child's name
  • their diagnosis
  • anything we need to know about your child to help them have a positive experience

We will be in touch if we can get you in, but please note that you might get notice at the last minute. Payment can be accepted at the event site in either cash or credit card swipe upon your arrival if you were not able to book online via our appointment calendar.

Hope to see you on Saturday!